Plumpton Parish Council

Consultation – Road safety on Station Road/Southdowns Junction

The Parish Council commissioned a Feasibility Report from East Sussex Highways to improve road safety around the Southdowns/Station Road junction specifically with the school in mind. The full report and recommendations can be found here. The Transport and Environment committee with help from Rob Banks has recommended two of the options given in the study and are required now to consult with the community to take this forward. We are therefore asking for comments on the following proposals: –

1) To increase awareness of the pedestrian crossing activities around the junction of Station Road/Southdowns, it is recommended to upgrade the first set of the school warning sign at the southbound approach with a yellow backing board and introduce “SLOW” road markings with red surfacing next to the schools warning signs.

2) The existing dropped kerb at the south of the Station Road/Southdowns junction is not completed and lines up with the ‘allotment’ car park entrance. It is recommended to relocate the dropped kerb southward and complete it with a dropped kerb on the opposite footway. To protect pedestrians at the crossing point, it is recommended to install a bollard at the end of the layby and review the need of parking restriction at the mouth of the junction in preliminary design.

If residents would like to comment on any aspect of the feasibility study and/or the

recommendations please contact the Clerk, Anita Emery,