Plumpton Parish Council

Colour Contrast Checker


Date of Test: May 2020

We have checked the colour contrast of all the colours used on the website for backgrounds (including tables) and the different font colours used for normal text and for link.

They all conform to WCAG 2.1 Level AA which requires a contrast ration of at least 4.5:1. 

Blue box Link colour Gray background in tables Font colour White black
Blue box n/a 5.45 n/a 18.17 n/a 19.91
Link colour 5.45 n/a 5.13 n/a n/a n/a
Gray background in tables n/a 5.13 n/a 17.12 n/a 18.75
Font colour 18.17 n/a 17.12 n/a 19.16 n/a
White n/a 5.74 1.11 19.16 n/a 21
black 19.91 n/a 18.75 n/a 21 n/a